Wi dat sam
Photoo © Julian Paren (cc-by-sa/2.0)
A phraseme or set phrase is a fixed expression at haes mair as ee wird, but it wirks laek a single unit. Da choice o wirds idda expression is set, an da order o dem is set an aa. You canna spleet up da phrase. Braaly affen dey translate intil anidder language as ee wird. Laek, in StE 'all of a sudden' or 'of course' da wirds can onnly sit athin dat order, an canna be spleet idderwye (eg no *sudden of an all/*all, however, of a sudden... or *course of/*of, I would say, course,...). Dis StE phrasemes can be replaessed wi 'suddenly' an 'certainly'.
Shaetlan haes a braa twartree phrasemes at translates braaly weel intil ee StE wird (see posst fae 7 Nov 2021). A parteeclarly interestin een is:
▪︎wi dat sam (StE 'immediately', no "with that same"): I texted him, an he cam wi dat sam ('I texted him an he came right away').
Dis phraseme is a pattren replication o Scandinavian med detsamma 'immediately' (lit. "wi da sam"), as in:
– Jag smsade honom, och han hom med detsamma ('I texted him and he cam dere an dan').
See da wye at da Aald Norse phrase is (með/við) þár sem 'at da sam time (as), apø da sam occasion (as)'. Dis looks laek yit anidder Scandinavian substrate feature at's bøn hoidin athin plein sicht in Shaetlan, whaar da wirds looks laek StE but da structure isna.